Actuarial Reports

Each year MCERA's independent actuary completes an actuarial valuation, which is presented to the Retirement Board. The actuarial valuation measures the current and projected assets and liabilities of the retirement system as well as the system's funded status. Based on the results the Retirement Board adopts new member and employer contribution rates for all participating employers for the upcoming fiscal year.

Actuarial Valuations
Date Reports Summaries
June 30, 2023 Report for All Employers Summary for County and Districts
Summary for Novato Fire
Summary for San Rafael
June 30, 2022 Report for All Employers Summary for County and Districts
Summary for Novato Fire
Summary for San Rafael
June 30, 2021 Report for All Employers Summary for County and Districts
Summary for Novato Fire
Summary for San Rafael
June 30, 2020 Report for All Employers Summary for County and Districts
Summary for Novato Fire
Summary for San Rafael
June 30, 2019 Report for All Employers Summary for County and Districts
Summary for Novato Fire
Summary for San Rafael
June 30, 2018 Report for All Employers Summary for County and Districts
Summary for Novato Fire
Summary for San Rafael
June 30, 2017 Report for All Employers Summary for County and Districts
Summary for Novato Fire
Summary for San Rafael
June 30, 2016 Report for All Employers Summary for County and Districts
Summary for Novato Fire
Summary for San Rafael
June 30, 2015 Report for All Employers Summary for County and Districts
Summary for Novato Fire
Summary for San Rafael
June 30, 2014 Report for All Employers Summary for County and Districts
Summary for Novato Fire
Summary for San Rafael
June 30, 2013 Report for All Employers Summary for County and Districts
Summary for Novato Fire
Summary for San Rafael
June 30, 2012 Report for All Employers Summary for County and Districts
Summary for Novato Fire 
Summary for San Rafael
June 30, 2011 Report for All Employers Summary for County and Districts
Summary for Novato Fire
Summary for San Rafael
June 30, 2010 Report for All Employers
June 30, 2009 Report for All Employers
June 30, 2008 Report for All Employers
June 30, 2007 Report for All Employers
June 30, 2006 Report for County and Districts
Report for Novato Fire
Report for San Rafael
June 30, 2005 Report for County and Districts
Report for Novato Fire
Report for San Rafael
June 30, 2004 Report for County and Districts
Report for Novato Fire
Report for San Rafael
June 30, 2003 Report for County and Districts
Report for Novato Fire
Report for San Rafael
June 30, 2002 Report for County and Districts
Report for Novato Fire
Report for San Rafael

Actuarial Experience Studies

On a triennial basis, the actuary also conducts an experience study of the members of MCERA and makes recommendations to the Board on all economic and non-economic assumptions.

Actuarial Audit Reports

MCERA periodically contracts with a second actuarial consulting firm to perform actuarial audits of reports prepared by the plan’s principal actuary.

2018 Audit of Actuarial Experience Study and Actuarial Valuation Report

2013 Audit of Actuarial Experience Study and Actuarial Valuation Report