Working After Retirement

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Working for MCERA Employers

As a retired MCERA member, you may work for an MCERA participating employer without affecting your monthly retirement benefit by following the requirements described below.

Prior to returning to work for an MCERA employer be sure to complete a Certification of Compliance for Post-Retirement Employment form.

Bona-fide Separation

Members who retire younger than Normal Retirement Age (59 for General members, 50 for Safety members) must have a bona-fide separation from service. This means you may not have a prearranged agreement to return to work for your employer after retirement.

180 Day Break in Service

General members must have a 180-day break in service following retirement before returning to work for an MCERA employer. A General member can return to work before the end of the 180 days only if the appointment is necessary to prevent work stoppage in an emergency and is approved by the employer's governing body, such as the County Board of Supervisors, in a public meeting.

Safety members are generally exempt from the 180-day separation requirement if they are returning to work in a safety position.

Other break in service rules may still apply, in accordance with IRS regulations. See "Normal Retirement Age" below.

960 Hour Limit

Retirees may continue to receive their retirement benefit if their work is limited to 960 total hours per fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) in one or more appointed positions for any MCERA employer. Working beyond 960 hours will result in the suspension of your monthly benefit.

Normal Retirement Age

Anyone who retires younger than normal retirement age (59 for General members, 50 for Safety) is required to take a minimum break in service of 90 days before returning to work as a retiree, even to prevent stoppage of work in an emergency.

Unemployment Insurance

A retiree who receives unemployment insurance arising out of prior employment with the same employer may not be employed in any public employment capacity for a period of 12 months after the last day of employment.

Working for Non-MCERA Employers

After your service retirement you may work in any occupation or employment for an employer other than one of MCERA’s participating employers and there is no impact on your MCERA benefit.

If you are receiving a pension from another governmental plan, such as CalPERS or Social Security, please contact that plan administrator to find out how working after retirement may affect your situation.

Reinstatement from Retirement

If you are considering returning to permanent employment with an MCERA employer to earn additional service credit toward a subsequent retirement, please contact our office. Before you make the decision to reinstate you may wish to contact your prospective employer to discuss any potential impacts on your retiree healthcare coverage or subsidy.

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