Annual Statements Coming Soon

Sample of annual benefit statement

Annual Benefit Statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019 will be mailed soon to the address MCERA has on file for most active, deferred and reciprocal members. These statements provide a valuable summary of your MCERA member account and potential retirement benefit and can be used as a tool to help you plan your financial future.

Visit the Annual Benefit Statements page to read frequently asked questions and learn more about the information presented on your statement.

If you do not receive your statement by November 15, we recommend you do the following:

  • Confirm that the address on file with your employer is correct. MCERA receives address information on active members through payroll downloads, so you may need to update your address with your department/agency Human Resources or payroll specialist. Deferred and reciprocal members should complete an Address Change Form.
  • Contact our office for a duplicate copy.